For starters, what is a Doula and what are their benefits?
- A doula is a trained non-medical birth-support professional, who provides continuous emotional, physical, and educational support to a birthing person before, during, and after birth.
- Doulas recognize the emotional needs of the birthing person and provide a family centered model of care
- Doulas provide individualized care plan that can complement the medical aspects of birth.
- Studies show labors with a doula present tend to have shorter labors, and better out-comes, reduced pain, reduced interventions, and overall increased satisfaction with the birth experience.
Doulas provide emotional support via reassurance, listening and giving comfort. This can help to reduce anxiety and fear.
Doulas provide physical support by using various hands-on comfort measures to alleviate discomfort and help with labor progression. This could be in the form of massage, position changes, counter pressure, and other relaxation techniques.
Doulas provide evidence based informational support which aids the family to make informed decisions.